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​節目 Programme

香港演奏家管樂團 Hong Kong Performers Winds
指揮:司徒震洋 Conductor: Szeto Chun-yeung

孤星序曲 - 道斯

Lone Star Overture  - Thomas Doss 

英國民謠組曲 - 佛漢.威廉士

English Folk Song Suite - Ralph Vaughan Williams 

五十男樂團 Men of Winds

Conductor: Clement Wong Cheuk-nang 

《陽光小島》進行曲 - 黃佳俊

Sunny Island March - Wong Kah Chun 

美麗的梭羅河 - 葛桑(K.O.編)

Bengawan Solo - Gesang Martohartono (arr. by K.O)

香港演奏家管樂團及少年團 HKPW & Junior
指揮:司徒震洋 Conductor: Szeto Chun-yeung 

俄羅斯節慶  - 多臣

A Russian Festival - Jay Dawson 

香港演奏家管樂團 Hong Kong Performers Winds

指揮:司徒震洋 Conductor: Szeto Chun-yeung

英國航海之歌組曲 - 史柏克

An English Sea Song Suite - Philip Sparke 

中場休息 Intermission 

閃亮的銅管 Shining Brass 

《夢斷城西》 - 伯恩斯坦(蓋爾編)

West Side Story​ - Leonard Bernstein (arr. Jack Gale) 

Dreamers 長號合奏 Dreamers Trombone Ensemble 


Beauty and the Beast Medley - Howard Ashman & Alan Menken (arr. Szeto Chun-yeung)

《歌聲魅影》選段 - 韋伯(司徒震洋編)

Selections from The Phantom of the Opera - Andrew Lloyd Webber (arr. Szeto Chun-yeung) 

網樂交響管樂團 Cyber Symphonic Winds 
指揮:吳國熹 Conductor: Eric Ng 

歌舒詠交響曲 - 歌舒詠(栢加編)

The Symphonic Gershwin - George Gershwin (arr. Warren Barker)

《Sing, Sing, Sing》 - 派瑪(岩井直溥編)

Sing, Sing, Sing - Louis Prima (arr. Iwai Naohiro) 

節目 Programme
歡迎 Welcoming







然而,有危自有機,我們必須向前,反思舊習,找尋更好的方向,建立更好的新日常(new normal)。在過去大半年,我們反思樂團的定位和方向,反思我們為何辦樂團,以及應該如何辦樂團。





Thank you for coming to Hong Kong Performers Winds’ Annual Concert 2020.

First of all, congratulations on passing the body temperature test at the entrance! Please keep your facial mask on throughout the concert and enjoy this live concert – which we all longed for – under social distancing rules. 

In the past year, the world we knew has turned upside down. The year 2020 was supposed to be a year we were to organise the greatest number of concerts in recent years if we did not have to cancel six concerts due to the pandemic. It was extremely difficult for a small and self-financed community group to survive in the past few months with a complete suspension of daily operation.

We resumed rehearsal about a month ago and only received the confirmation of this concert from the venue slightly more than two weeks ago. Frankly speaking, there are many concerns in organising this concert – health and safety of the audience and performers, the audience’s acceptance to live concert during a pandemic, insufficient time for rehearsals and promotion, venue’s new requirements, concert budget, etc.

We see opportunities in the crisis and decided to move forward. We take this chance to reflect on our routines, explore better ways and try to make them our new normal. In the past year, we had been thinking about the band’s positioning and direction – why and how we run the band.

Yet, we strongly believe HKPW is a platform for performers to enjoy performing and sharing music with our audience. In a society with unevenly distributed resources, we have to proactively look for collaborators and learn from them. All these make this concert and collaboration happen.

In a turbulent time, we could help make the world better by doing our best in our respective positions with righteousness and generosity. The best is yet to come – for now, we hope to bring you joy and peace we find in our beloved music in the worst and the best of times. 

We wish you good health!


Hong Kong Performers Winds

演出 Performers
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Cyber Symphonic Winds



Your feedback matters


We cordially invite you to participant in our audience survey. Your feedback can help us to review and improve ourselves.

觀眾問卷調查 Audience Survey

鳴謝 Acknowledgement

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利群芳小姐 Ms Li Kwan-Fong Sally

管樂源 Kolo Winds

Current Printing

Sparks Design Company

Cyber Symphonic Winds

Dreamers 長號合奏
Dreamers Trombone Ensemble

五十男樂團 Men of Winds

閃亮的銅管 Shining Brass

李鑫 Michael Li

樂陶途演藝協會 Kinderland for Performing Arts Council

All performers, their parents and audience

鳴謝 Acknowledgement



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