Honorary Adviser
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關子禮為管樂界活躍樂手。1994年以全級最優異成績畢業於香港演藝學院,主修長號,同時更奪得專為全年最優秀畢業生而設的「Bernand Van Zuiden Prize」獎學金。關氏畢業後投入音樂教育及演奏事業,於1992年加入香港小交響樂團成為全職專業樂手,同年組成東方銅管,曾應邀到日本、台灣、泰國及澳門等地演出,甚獲好評。1992-95年參加亞洲青年交響樂團到世界作巡迴表演。
KWAN Tsz-lai Steve
Steve Kwan Tsz-lai is an active musician in symphonic music. Majored in trombone performance, he graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 1994 as the most outstanding student in the final year, at the same time winning the Bernand Van Zuiden Prize which is a scholarship for the most outstanding music graduate. After graduation, Steve devoted himself into performance and music education. He became a full-time trombonist of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta in 1992. He also established Oriental Brass in the same year, and embarked on a series of highly successful concerts to Japan, Taiwan, Thailand and Macau, etc. In 1992-95, he joined the Asian Youth Orchestra, which held concert tours around the world.
Apart from his performing career, Steve also interested in conducting. He was the conductor of TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Symphonic Band from 2000-10. Steve has led the band to participate in many tours around the world including Vienna, London, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, Macau, Zhu Hai and Taiwan, etc. Under his baton, the band won numerous prizes in local and international competitions including the Gold Prize and Overall Champion in the Hong Kong Youth Music Interflow over the years and the Second Prize of the symphonic band competition in the 36th International Youth & Music Festival in Vienna in 2007. In 2005, Steve won the Outstanding Conductor Prize in the 1st China High-class Amateur Band Festival. In September 2005, Steve established HKPW with students and was appointed as the Founding Music Director & Conductor and Honorary Adviser since 2023.
Steve dedicated himself into music education aiming at training local young musicians. By organizing various performances, he wishes to promote wind band music to the community so as to support local arts development. He has participated in many performances with numerous performing groups.